#5thyear #GoldFáinneWinners #SeachtainnaGaeilge2022
Oisín Black-first prize in 5th year for the fainne interview was presented to Oisín Black. Mr O’Hare presented Oisín with a gold fáinne and a one for all voucher for his standard of fluent Irish. Comhghairdeas Oisín!
Tom D’Arcy was awarded 2nd prize in 5th year for his fáinne interview. Mr O’Hare presented Rom with a voucher for his standard of fluent Irish. Comhghairdeas Tom!
Danny Byrne was awarded 3rd prize for his fáinne interview. Mr O’Hare presented Danny with a fold fáinne and an Easter Egg. Comhghairdeas Danny!
Thanks Ms O’Rourke for all details.