Clubs & Societies

Students at St Mary’s Diocesan can participate in a variety of Clubs and Societies:

  • Debating
  • Games Club
  • Music Club
  • Photography Club


Over the years St. Mary’s Diocesan School has been involved in debating and public speaking. Debating competitions are a fantastic way for students to meet other interested (and argumentative) students, develop their confidence and analytical skills. Students are taught the skills of public speaking and debating. St Mary’s DS enters competitions during the year such as the Concern Debates.

Games Club

One day a week at lunch time there is a ‘Old School’ Games club in the Monastery Building. All students are welcome, and a wide variety of games are available to be played. Chess lessons are even offered, with students teaching students (and even teachers sometimes)!

Music Club

There are normally lunchtime music clubs open to all students in the school, even if you do not do music as an option in St. Mary’s.

One lunchtime a week it is open to guitar, ukulele, piano, keyboard, drums, voice. For anyone who would like to come and play and/or sing popular music. Another lunchtime is the once-a-week-Orchestra group for anyone who plays an instrument in the string, brass, woodwind or percussion family.

Students can bring a packed lunch to the music room.

Photography Club

The Photography Club was set up in 2015 by Ms Curtis and has grown to become the largest Extra-Curricular activity with over 100 members now currently involved. Students get weekly themes to take photos to and go on Photography Trips which include a walking tour of Drogheda at the start of the year and the Omeath to Carlingford Greenway at the end of the year. In April 2018, St Mary’s Photography Club had their first exhibition in the Droichead Arts Centre with the theme ‘Celebrating Drogheda Through the Lens of St Mary’s Diocesan School’. On April 2nd 2019 they hosted their second exhibition in the Droichead Arts Centre under the theme of ‘Vision’.