Your son will have exams at Christmas and summer in the following subjects:
- English
- Irish
- Maths
- Modern Foreign Language
- He will have coursework in all other areas
Based on Attendance, Behaviour, Subject Effort & Work Experience.
- Distinction
- Merit
- Pass
Credits for TY Certificate
Each teacher awards credits for their subject/module out of 10 (10 being the top mark and 1 being the lowest). There are a total of 200 Credits available.
- Distinction above 160 Credits
- Merit above 140 Credits
- Pass above 80 Credits
Substance Use Peer Educators
Six Transition Year students are selected to become Substance Use Peer Educators at the beginning of the school year. This programme involves delivering sessions on Smoking, Alcohol and Drugs to first years in school.
The lads were trained to deliver the above programme over the course of five training days in term one. The training they received focused on the facts relating to smoking, alcohol and drugs. They also received facilitation and presentation skills which they will require when delivering the above programme to the other students.
Substance Use Education from specially trained peers or older students can have greater impact and credibility on younger peers. The Peer Education Programme is run in conjunction with guidelines of NE Regional Drugs Task Force and the S.P.H.E. curriculum. Two students work together to deliver the sessions to first year S.P.H.E. classes over the course of the school year.